The PEBL Psychological Test Battery
About the Battery
This site is for a battery of psychological tests implemented in PEBL and distributed (and redistributeable) freely. They are designed to be easily used on multiple computing platforms, running natively under Win32, Linux, and OSX Operating Systems. The tests are designed to implement a wide range of computer-administered psychological tests and experiments of interest to neuropsychological, cognitive, clinical communities.
The current version of the battery 0.8 It is designed to work with PEBL version 0.13 and was released in 2012. It is distributed with PEBL 0.13, and is automatically installed in My Documents\pebl.0.13\battery on windows.
These tests are designed to implement a wide range of tests that are used throughout the psychological, neuropsychological research and clinical communities. Some are reimplementations of tests that are only available on limited computing platforms or cost hundreds of dollars. Each experiment saves the complete data set for later analysis, and many compute basic analyses that it writes in report format.
Tests The following table describes the basic tests currently implemented in the PEBL Test Battery. Many of them represent the only Free version of proprietory tests available anywhere. They include a free Iowa Gambling Task, a free version of the TOVA®, a free Wisconsin Card Sort Test®, a free version of Conners Continuous Performance task, and a number of other useful tasks, with more to come. All screenshots found on this page are released into the public domain, and can be used for whatever purpose without copyright assignment, including in academic papers. More information on tests is found in the PEBL WIKI